Good news for fans of George R.R. Martin’s A Song of Ice and Fire series: an annotated version of A Game of Thrones has just been released through the iPad app Subtext.
The annotation has some serious brain behind it, being a collaboration between A Song of Ice and Fire series editor Anne Groell, co-founder of Elio Garcia (you can read his series of original explorative essays on A Song of Ice and Fire right here on, and Sean T. Collins, this definite guide is interactive, comprehensive, ever-expanding, and most of all, made with the fans in mind.
Sean T. Collins just made the big announcement about this project over on his site, and in addition to the details as to what’s included; Sean also offered an insight into how the whole project came about. From his blog:
But speaking personally, my contributions kinda pale in insignificance compared to Elio and Anne’s. When I was first approached about the project, I said yes in large part just for the opportunity to work alongside such august personages in the ASoIaF community. I was not disappointed. Anne’s you-are-there anecdotes about discovering the book, working with Martin, and what she knows (and doesn’t know) about what has yet to be written are worth the price of admission alone. (And I’ll tell you what, there’s little that does your superfan ego better than being told by the book’s editor that this or that insight you had about the book was dead on.)
The annotations aren’t idle theories, rather, these are insights from those who know this world better than anyone else in the world, save George R. R. Martin himself.
The Subtext annotation works with theGame of Thrones Google ebook. You can head over to Sean’s blog for full info and download links.